Driving School Balta Hoorn 



Price changes reserved. The current prices are valid from January 1, 2024.

Our driving lessons last 60 minutes!
Our lessons last 1 hour. The price per lesso is € 60,00 per hour. 
We can also schedule block hours.

Payment convenience for everyone!
Driving lessons are of course a significant investment. That is why you can pay for your driving lessons in 2 installments at Balta Driving School, so you do not have to make a payment for the complete lessons up in front!
Payment convenience for everyone! Without interest or extra costs!!


Driving lessons per hour (60 minutes)

€      60,00

Driving lesson 10 lessons of 60 minutes

€    600,00

Driving lesson 20 lessons of 60 minutes

€ 1.200,00

Driving lesson 30 lessons of 60 minutes

€ 1.800,00

Interim test CBR

€    300,00 incl. CBR costs and use of the training car

Practical exam CBR

€    300,00 incl. CBR costs and use of the training car

Practical CBR re-exam

€    300,00 incl. CBR costs and use of the training car

Personal Declaration (2024 CBR price)

€    44,50 mandatory medical certificate from the CBR.
Comply with the CBR yourself.


Theory course 1 day in the classroom

€ 100,00

Theory exam CBR

€   48,00 price CBR.
Comply with the CBR yourself.


Get your driver's license in just a few steps!


Every driving course starts with requesting a trial lesson. The trial lesson lasts 60 minutes and is completely free. We will pick you up at home. After a brief explanation, you take a seat behind the wheel and drive onto the road under the guidance of your instructor. While driving you can experience how the driving lessons are structured and the instructor will explain the next steps of the driving training. In addition, the trial lesson is intended to give the instructor an idea of ​​your capabilities and commitment.


Did you enjoy the trial lesson? Then you can officially register with the driving school.
This is also the time to schedule your theory course / theory exam. The theory courses can be provided by our driving school.


 Do you want to take a driving test? Then you must authorize our driving school to reserve the practical exam for you at the CBR. Once you have done this, you will receive an email confirming the authorization. We also receive this confirmation.
You will also be asked for a 'Personal Declaration'. These are 11 questions about your health. You can request and complete the Personal Declaration digitally on myCBR. You will need a Digid code for this. The costs for the self-declaration are 44,50 euros. If you have health problems, a 'Medical Report' from your doctor is required. Your doctor completes the report, after which you send the report to the CBR. This report is assessed by a medical advisor from the CBR. More information about the Personal Declaration can be found on the CBR website.


 PHASE 1. In phase 1 you get to know and control the car well. You will learn the basics of driving, such as starting, braking, steering, shifting and reversing. You will also learn what a correct sitting position is and how to adjust the chair. How do you turn on the lights, how do you indicate direction and how does the air conditioning work? In short: phase 1 lays the foundation for the rest of your training. The difficulty level increases bit by bit. It is important that you have good control of the car before we move on to the second phase.


PHASE 2. Once you have good control of the vehicle, you will participate in traffic. This is a very special, but above all fun experience. The real driving will then begin and you will notice that this is a bit more difficult than it seems. When driving a car you have to do many things at the same time. Shifting gears, braking, steering, looking, making estimates, deciding, reacting, anticipating... this is quite difficult in the beginning. Our job is to gradually teach you the art of driving until you can eventually do it completely independently. In phase 2 you will also learn some special maneuvers.


PHASE 3. In phase 3, your vehicle control is fluent and you can participate well in traffic. It's time to connect the proverbial dots and cross the i's. In this phase we will practice the more difficult traffic situations. We also pay a lot of attention to rehearsing a number of important maneuvers. We will also take some test exams, so that you know exactly what to expect during the driving test. Ultimately, the intention is that you show the CBR that you are an independent driver.


The interim test is a trial exam. The test takes the same time as the real driving test and you have to do the same things. The advantages of the interim test are that you can get used to the exam situation, that you will receive useful tips from a CBR examiner and that you can receive exemptions for special procedures if you perform them properly. More information about the interim test can be found on the CBR website.


At the end of phase three you will be ready for the driving test. The exam lasts 55 minutes and takes place at the CBR exam center in Hoorn. After you have met your examiner, you will take an eye test at the parking lot: you will have to read the license plate of a stationary car approximately 25 meters away. The examiner can ask some questions about the car, for example about checking the engine fluids. The exam ride takes approximately 35 minutes. You will partly drive independently to a specific destination and partly you will drive according to the examiner's instructions. The examiner checks whether you drive safely and independently and pays attention to, among other things, control of the car, viewing behavior and giving priority. Components covered during the exam include: driving away, straight and winding roads, intersections, joining and leaving, overtaking and changing lanes, special road sections and special operations. Immediately after the ride you will be told at the CBR exam center whether you have passed or not.

